Quick intro to Apollo GraphQL
Apollo is the industry-standard GraphQL implementation, providing the data graph layer that connects modern apps to the cloud.
In this tutorial we will understand the integration of AbortController, a JavaScript API with Apollo GraphQL Client using a fullstack ReactJs sample project.
Motivation for this post
It all started with a use case to prevent client from making a repeated request for the same GraphQL mutation query. All the code inspired in this blog post is from a GitHub issue thread (Read more for interesting discussion …)
With that intro, lets understand how the solution is engineered for this topic.
Libraries used:
- UUID – Used to create unique request tracker ID and prevent namespace collision for multiple request from same component.
- ReactJS – No intro needed i guess?
- Apollo GraphQL – Follow the link to know more..
Source code
All the code cited in this blogpost is documented in a Github repository (full POC source code) by forking the react project from the Apollo GraphQL fullstack repo.
Code walkthrough
Step – 1:
Create a middleware that holds the logic to track and cancel duplicate request via ReactJS context API – cancelRequest.tsx (complete source code)
Step – 2:
Generate namespace UUID and pass it using requestTrackerId via query context as below.
requestTrackerId: uuidNameSpace('LOGIN', RequestNameSpace)
Step – 3:
Finally wiring all the middlewares and setup it up as funnel layers using from API of Apollo GraphQL client and set queryDeduplication to false.
const client: ApolloClient<NormalizedCacheObject> = new ApolloClient({
link: from([ authMiddleware, cancelRequestLink, httpLink ]),
queryDeduplication: false
Mechanism of action
When ever more than one request originates from the same mutation query, each query is tagged to its requestTrackerId which remains same to that particular query and different for other queries.
Using UUID library namespace is generated for each query (Read the code). With this ID the middleware associates each query to its namespace generated ID and stored it in a cache object.
Subsequent incoming request are looked up using the cache object. If there’s an ongoing request which is not yet completed, it will be aborted immediately using AbortController javascript API and this request is replaced with new request.
How to run the demo?
Follow the steps stated in readme file from the Github repo for installation.
Code modifications done for demoing
I have intentionally introduced a response delay of 5000ms in Login API (server code) to make this POC work.
Click repeatedly on login button and you can see the previous request getting cancelled in the Chrome – Developer console > Network.
See the demo video below
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September 14, 2020
javascript, GraphQL